Blog - Apr 2021

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Gillian Rixey

Using Screen Capture and Recording Software

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The Benefits of Using Screen Capture and Recording Software 

Print screen is a familiar term to anyone with basic computer knowledge. But did you know that you can also record your computer screen? There are many things that can be achieved when you start to use screen capture and recording software that will ultimately improve your offline and online computing experience. Here are just some of the benefits of using screen capture and recording software: 

Evidence for Customer Service

There are many things that can go wrong on the internet. When you encounter a problem in a game you play, for example, explaining the problem can be difficult. Any time you need help to improve your user experience, a screen shot or recording of the issue will help the technician understand your problem more comprehensively. 

Explaining a Procedure

We all have friends or family, particularly those from earlier generations, who aren't particularly adept when it comes to technology. You might be enthusiastic about buying your technophobe relative a new phone or laptop before you realize that even basic functions are completely alien to them. Instead of banging your head on the wall because they can't seem to understand what you're saying over the phone, record the process you want them to learn so you don't have to explain it a thousand times. 

Saves Time

Screen capture and recording software can save you a lot of time when you're browsing the internet. For example, let's say you want to find some new recipes to try out. Rather than looking them up and having to look them up again because you've forgotten the specifics, you can take a screen shot of the ingredients and cooking method so that you have it stored in a folder on your desktop. Capturing and recording your screen allows you to be more organized and productive when you are surfing the internet. 

Make Your Own Videos

Are you dreaming of becoming the next Youtube star? Well, without screen recording software, it will be difficult to make seamless videos. Whether you're a game buff, a makeup pro, or a DIY genius, screen capture and recording software will help viewers see exactly what you're doing. Moreover, if you've always wanted to start your own blog about how to make or do something, capturing your screen  will make the experience more interactive for the user. 

Save it for Later

You might come across a really interesting article that you want to show to your friends or family. You might see a hilarious meme that your aunt, who doesn't have Facebook, will love. 

Saves Data

If you have the kind of internet service that charges you according to how much data you use, using screen capture and recording software allows you to reduce the amount of data you use. If you are looking up something that you intend to return to time and again, you will consume a lot of data doing so. It is much cheaper and more efficient to simply go to the location once, capture or record the information you need, and store it in a way that makes it available offline.

Facilitates Learning

For those of you who are at school, college, or just interested in academia, using screen capture and recording software will facilitate the learning process. Studying for an exam is much easier when you use informative presentations in picture form instead of falling asleep over an old, dusty textbook. The parts of the human brain involved with memory are more receptive to visual than verbal or textual information, so the knowledge you learn about will be more readily retained than traditional methods.



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